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Tommy Sotomayor ” Afrika Bambaataa Took Your Butt”

Tommy Sotomayor " Afrika Bambaataa Took Your Butt"


“Poppy Hassan, why isn’t Afrika Bambaataa dead for running up in your s**t? He dooked your shoot when you were a kid. He gave you a prostate exam. He took your as*. He f***ed you in the as*. He split your as* open. he didn’t have respect for your lips.” Tommy Sotomayor, smh.

Sotomayor roasts and makes fun of Hassan Campbell a.k.a Poppy, one of Afrika Bambaataa’s, the Hip Hop Legend from Zulu Nation, victim he allegedly molested when he was 14. He bashes Poppy in the most brutal way. I have never heard anything so disturbed, so hateful, so mean. I have never seen something so disrespectful….unbelievable.

Poppy goes at Tommy Sotomayor about laughing at Sandra Bland for allegedly being murdered by the police. “Tommy Sotomayor I received a video of you saying it was good Sandra bland was hanged and you wish you were there to watch the police hang her to death. I don’t understand how people let you walk the street.”




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